M. multifasciata Traces

Mabuya multifasciata produced three distinct burrow architectures.

Open burrows are used as temporary shelters to permanent dwellings. Burrow orientation is commonly subhorizontal (10-30 degrees), uncommonly oblique (30-45 degrees), and rarely subvertical (50-75 degrees). Burrows have one or two surface openings. Tunnels and chambers are elliptical in cross section (W/H ration ~1.5) with moderately flattened concave roofs and floors and curved walls. Branches are short relative to the main burrow and possess blind endings. Chambers are present at then end of the tunnels and are wider than the connecting tunnel. Series of triangular divots are commonly present along the burrow walls; these are impressions of the skink’s head produced during burrow construction.

Additional resources are available within the downloadable PDF and Excel files linked at the bottom of the page.

Subvertical Ramps

Branched Burrows

U-Shaped Burrows

Additional resources

Gold Skink Burrow Catalog (PDF)

Gold Skink Burrow Data Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel – Auto Download)